Suban Neven flower tea, 25g

It strengthens the body's defenses, acts against inflammation and soothes cramps (in women's problems, urinary tract disorders, liver and gallbladder diseases).

Basic active substances: Contains essential oil, triterpene glycosides, carotinoids, flavonoids and bitter substances. Action and use: Strengthens the body's defence forces, acts anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic and choleretic. It is used in diseases of the liver and gallbladder, inflammation of the bladder, inflammation of the ovaries and vagina. As a compress or oil macerate, it promotes wound healing, granulation and prevents inflammation.

1-2 teaspoons of calendula flower pour with 2 dcl of boiling water, let it stand covered for 15 minutes with occasional stirring, then strain.

Size: 25 g

2,16 €

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