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Notes: People taking the medicines should consult a doctor before taking it. It is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing women and children.
Traditional use of plants: Sikavica is a plant originating in the Mediterranean and is used for liver damage. The sikavica contains flavonoids, a silymarin complex that promotes liver regeneration and prevents its damage.
The Federal Commission of Drug Monographs of Germany (Commission E) recommends a funiac for dyspeptic problems, and standardized extracts at 70-80% silymarin are approved for toxic liver damage, for therapy of chronic inflammatory liver disease and cirrhosis of the liver.*
ESCOP indicates the fruit of the grasshoppers for toxic liver damage, for therapy of chronic inflammatory liver disease and cirrhosis of the liver.**
Herbal Medicine, Expanded Commission E Monographs, Blumenthal/Goldberg/Brinckmann, ISBN 0-9670772-1-4
**E/S/C/O/P Monographs, The Scientific Foundation for Herbal Medicinal Products, ISBN 1-901964-07-8 (ESCOP); ISBN 3-13-129421-3 (GSC); ISBN 1-58890-233-1 (TNY)