Gengigel Gel 20ml

Effective at the first signs of gum disease.

Gengigel in the form of a gel is especially suitable in acute conditions of periodontal disease (gingivitis, periodontitis). Contains hyaluronic acid (concentrations 0.2%) appropriate for immediate assistance in alleviating symptoms of periodontal disease.

Gengigel gel is an effective help for:
  • inflamed, bleeding and swollen gums
  • deepened pockets in the gums
  • damage to the gums due to removal or cleaning of teeth or surgical procedures
  • irritated tissues in the mouth due to fixed (crowns, bridges) or mobile dentures

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14,80 €

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After thorough oral hygiene, apply the gel with a clean finger in the affected place and gently rub it into the gums. Gengigel gel should be applied 3 to 5 times a day for at least 3 to 4 weeks, that is, until all symptoms of periodontal disease disappear.

Gengigel is a hyaluronic acid-based medical product produced by a patented biotechnology process that ensures high quality and purity of hyaluronic acid. The formulation of hyaluronic acid found in Gengigel is the same as that found naturally in healthy gums.

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