Micovag Plus vaginalets against fungal vaginal infections

Micovag Plus vaginalete are an additional therapy in the treatment of vaginal infections. They help prevent the spread of the causative agent of the disease by reestablishing normal vaginal pH.

Fungal infections of the vagina very often occur: as many as 75% of women have one episode of vulvovaginal candidiasis during their lifetime. Of these, 50% have at least one more episode in their lives.

Symptoms are non-specific and very unpleasant: altered draining, itching, redness and sleuthing, tingling sensation.

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9,28 €

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Predisposing situations for the emergence of fungal infections of the vaginal are diabetes, pregnancy, antibiotic therapy, high doses of oral contraceptives, elevated vaginal pH, sex habits, cellular immunodeficiency.

Micovag Plus
is a Class IIa medical product, CE 0373. The basic ingredients are boricacida, lactic acid, bisabolol and vitamin E which quickly and effectively lower the pH of the vaginal.

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