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When the myelinic sheath ("isolation") is disturbed, the neuron cannot function normally and various symptoms appear, including pain. Pain is one of the manifestations of peripheral nervous system diseases, which are very common. It has been shown that one in three people suffer from back pain (dorsalgia).
Restoration of peripheral nerves
In order for the body to initiate its own recovery mechanisms, it needs certain nutrients. Mieloguard provides the body with the right combination of 6 essential nutrients, which help build the myelinic sheath and, therefore, restore the damaged neuron:
Uridine is present in many foods, but it is not bioavalisable due to the fact that it is almost completely broken down in the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
For the production of myelin, vitamin B12 is required, that is, cobalamin. Stiffness, shing and loss of sensation in the limbs – this is only a fraction of all symptoms of peripheral neuropathy due to vitamin B12 deficiency. Statistics show that between 5% and 20% of the adult population has a vitamin B12 deficiency and up to 40% have low plasma levels of vitamin B12.
Vitamin B6 is important for the metabolism of amino acids, glucose and fats. In adults, neuropathy, which occurs as a result of vitamin B6 deficiency, begins with stiffness or burning better in the feet, which then climbs and affects the feet and hands. Although vitamin B6 is present in many foods, their cooking leads to vitamin loss of up to 70%. On the other hand, people are not able to synthesize B6, so input from external sources is necessary.
Tiamine (vitamin B1) is a vitamin, soluble in water and is present in most plant and animal tissues. It is important for cellular respiration, production of neurotransmitters (glutamates and γ-aminobuteric acids) and for the maintenance of myelinic sheath. Tijamine deficiency leads to neuropathy, known as beri-beri, and is the first vitamin deficiency syndrome described in humans.
Fatigue, irritability and muscle spasms can occur in days to weeks as a result of nutritional deficiency. The clinical picture of vitamin B1 deficiency begins with the loss of the senses, burning better, muscular weakness in the legs and feet.
Vitamin B3, also known as niacin or nicotinic acid, is important for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as well as for cellular signal transduction and DNA renewal in the cell.
Lack of niars in food can cause nausea, skin and oral lesions, anemia, headache and fatigue.
It participates in over 300 different enzyme systems and thus regulates different processes in the human body, one of which is nerve-muscle conduction. Studies show that the average intake of magnesium through food is relatively low, reaching only 30 to 50% of the recommended daily intake. The clinical study, conducted with patients with chronic low back pain, showed significant pain reduction and improved mobility in patients receiving magnesium.
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